Combining ARIMA-GARCH to Predict Stock Price MarketThis article is an extension of the previous article to discover whether the ARIMA model can create a profitable trading strategy. In this…Nov 13, 20201Nov 13, 20201
Simulating Grid Search ARIMA Strategy in Stock Price MarketThis article aims to discover whether the ARIMA model can create a profitable trading strategy in the stock market. As a benchmark, the…Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
10 Top Indonesian Bank Company Stock Trading by using Grid-Compound-Martingale StrategyThis article contains a comparison of the stock trading scenario of a group of bank companies in Indonesia using the…Nov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020
Optimizing Fuel Cost of Java-Bali Power Generation Considering New Renewable PowerThis article is comparing the simulation between the normal power system and a power system that include PHES inside.Nov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020